

《燃情岁月》是《光荣战役》导演爱德华·兹威克执导的一部电影,该部电影极具正能量,讲述的是美军上校威廉厌恶战争,带着三个儿子:老实的伊尔弗雷德、生性好斗的特里斯坦和最小的弟弟山姆隐居,而女主角苏珊娜喜欢上了最小的弟弟山姆,兄弟三个没有听父亲的警告参加了战争,最后山姆战死沙场,二哥特里斯坦将山姆的心脏运回到自己的家乡埋葬,之后老大伊尔弗雷德喜欢上了苏珊娜,而苏珊娜喜欢上了特里斯坦,之后苏珊娜与老大伊尔弗雷德结婚,特里斯坦离家出走,在外历尽千辛万苦终于找到了自己的另一半,曾不想自己的妻子被误杀,本来脾气不好的特里斯坦开始卷入了黑帮斗争,苏珊娜对弟妹的死深感惭愧自杀身亡,特里斯坦终于在大哥伊尔弗雷德和父亲威廉上校的帮助下,一个一个手刃了杀妻仇人,老二特里斯坦之后看着父亲和大哥一个一个离开了他,直到最后的1963年,特里斯坦在一场与熊的搏斗中死在了熊爪下... ...


Alfred: I don't know what to say. Tristan is always wild. You like him for that.

阿尔弗雷德: 我不知道该说什么.崔斯汀一向放荡不羁,你就喜欢他这样子.

Susannah: I suppose I do.

苏珊娜: 我想是吧.

Alfred: Susannah, he does love you.

阿尔弗雷德: 苏珊娜,他真的爱你.

Colonel: Alfred, she's to your brother's wife.

上校: 阿尔弗雷德,她将作你的弟媳了.

Alfred:Yes, though you'd better remind him of the fact.

阿尔弗雷德: 对,不过你最好提醒他这个事实.

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Colonel: He's not here to defend himself.

上校: 他不在这儿为自己辩解.

Alfred: No, but I see you are here to defend him and what is his even though he's abandoned her and you. I won't even speak of who else he abandoned.

阿尔弗雷德: 对, 不过我看见你在这里为他和属于他的东西辩解,即使他已抛弃了她和你.我甚至不想说他还抛弃了谁.

Colonel: Damn you, boy. Don't you blame my son for Samuel's death. Samuel chose to be a solider, and soliders die, sent to their slaughter by men in government. Parasites like you! Damn and blast you! (to Susannah) Damn you too.

上校: 你这混蛋小子.别把塞缪尔的死怪罪我儿子!塞缪尔选择当军人,军人难免意思.政府的人让他们去送死.你这样的寄生虫!你该死! (对苏珊娜) 你也该死!

Alfred: Shut your mouth, leave her out of this.

阿尔弗雷德: 住口!此事跟她无关!

Colonel: Get out of my house and get off my land!

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Alfred:Why? Because I want to serve my country as you did? Or because, like you, I love a woman who doesn't love me? He used her and deserted her, your darling Tristan.

阿尔弗雷德: 为什么?因为我像你一样为国尽忠吗?还是像你一样爱上了不爱我的女人?他利用了她,又抛弃了她,你那宝贝崔斯汀.

Susannah: Alfred, don't, please!

苏珊娜: 拜托,别再说了,阿尔弗雷德!

Alfred: I lovedher! I love her still. He stole her from me. If you want to know the truth, he stole her from Samuel before the war.

阿尔弗雷德: 我爱过她!我现在仍爱她.他从我手中夺走了她.如果你想了解事实,他在战前已从塞缪尔手中夺走了她.

Colonel: God help me, I'll kill you.

上校: 上帝助我,我要杀死你.

Alfred: Here, read your darling Tristan's letter.Susannah, you deserve to be happy.

阿尔弗雷德: 拿着,读读你那宝贝崔斯汀的信.苏珊娜,你该得到幸福的.
