

Ⅰ. 单词辨音 (15分)


[ ]1. A. shout B. loud C. ground D. enough

[ ]2. A. sun B. much C. student D. run

[ ]3. A. worse B. sport C. short D. horse

[ ]4. A. behind B. begin C. below D. neck

[ ]5. A. played B. stopped C. passed D. asked

[ ]6. A. hold B. got C. so D. total

[ ]7. A. quite B. high C. find D. finish

[ ]8. A. hurt B. turn C. Thursday D. hurry

[ ]9. A. jumped B. passed C. started D. dropped

[ ]10.A. worse B. report C. score D. sport


[ ]11.rather A.['r)J+] B.['r%:J+] C.[r%:'J+] D.['r)Ji]

[ ]12.still A.[stil] B.[sti:l] C.[stail] D.[st+l]

[ ]13.fast A.[f$st] B.[f)st] C.[f%:st] D.[feist]

[ ]14.drop A.[dr)p] B.[dr+up] C.[dr+p] D.[dr&p]

[ ]15.fall A.[f&l] B.[f&:l] C.[f&ll] D.[&:l]

Ⅱ. 找出下列单词所缺字母,将A、B、C 或D 填在括号里。 (10分)

[ ]1. j_mp A. u B. a C. e D. i

[ ]2. f_n_sh A. i, e B. i, i C. e, i D. e, e

[ ]3. w__er A. onn B. in C. inn D. on

[ ]4. r_s_lt A. e, u B. i, a C. e, u D. e, a

[ ]5. c_ngr_tulation A. o, i B. a, a C. o, a D. o, e

[ ]6. r_s_lt A. e, o B. i, u C. e, u D. i, o

[ ]7. _um_ A. j, p B. p, j C. g, q D. j, k

[ ]8. sti_ A. ck B. ch C. dk D. dh

[ ]9. m_m_nt A. u, e B. o, a C. u, a D. o, e

[ ]10. h__dt__cher A. ea, ae B. ea, ea C. e, e D. a, ae

Ⅲ. 从右栏中找出左栏相应的答语。(5分)

1. Nice to meet you. A. It's not important.

2. Happy Teachers' Day. B. I'm very well. Thanks.

3. How are you? C. Thanks a lot.

4. May I look at this picture? D. Nice to meet you, too.

5. Shall I call you James or Jim? E. Yes, do please.

Ⅳ. 选择填空。(30分)

[ ]1. ______ the second lap, Tom was ______ front.

A. On, in B. At, in

C. On, at D. By, on

[ ]2. Who is standing ______ the starting line?

A. in B. on C. by D. at

[ ]3. My grandma can't see ______ with her glasses.

A. clearer B. clearly C. clear D. clearest

[ ]4. Mary always goes to school ______ than the other students.

A. earlier B. early

C. earliest D. the earlier

[ ]5. Which flower do you like ______ of all?

A. well B. better C. best D. good

[ ]6. Among the five students he studies ______.

A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. hardest

[ ]7. Which would you like ______, tea or coffee?

A. well B. better C. bes t D. good

[ ]8. Li Ying jumps ______, she jumps ______ than Wang Fang.

But Zhang Hong jumps ______ in her class.

A. high, high, highest B. high, higher, highest

C. higher, higher, highest D. highest, higher, highest

[ ]9. The two runners were ______ the finishing line at the same time.

A. past B. pass C. passed D. pasted

[ ]10. ______ the end of the second lap, they were neck ______ neck.

A. At, by B. To, and C. At, and D. In, by

[ ]11. Who jumped ______ than the other boys?

A. much far B. much fartherest

C. more farther D. much farther

[ ]12. His brother fell and hurt his leg, but he quickly ______ and

went on running.

A. get up B.got up C. gets to D. got to

[ ]13. He studies ______ to ______ the others.

A. hard enough, catch up with

B. enough hard, catch up

C. hard enough, catching up with

D. enough hard, catch up with

[ ]14. The runner ______ his stick ______ the ground

a moment ago.

A. dropping, to B. dropped, on

C. droped, to D. drops, on

[ ]15. "Listen! What is he saying?"

"I think he ______ us the answer."

A. tells B. is going to tell

C. will to tell D. told

Ⅴ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空,英语试题《九年级 (上) 2单元测试 (A卷)》。(20分)

1. We ______ (have) one or two new subjects every year.

We ______ (have) physics next year.

I ______ (work) hard at it.

2. Dr. Bethune ______ (come) to China in 1938.

3. It's five o'clock now. The students ______ (clean) their classroom.

4. Li Fang's father ______ (work) in that factory.

5. We ______ (have) a good time in the Summer Palace last Sunday.

6. He ______ (not do) cooking yesterday.

7. I ______ (buy) an English-Chinese dictionary.

I ______ (look) up a word in it now.

Ⅵ. 阅读理解,判断正误,对的在括号里写“T”,错的写 “F”。(20分)

Luce was a small boy. He hated soap (肥皂) and water. Three or four times every day his mother said to him, "Luce, your hands are verydirty again. Go and wash them." But Luce never really washed them well.He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took themout again.

Luce's uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they and theirsmall son, Keats, came to visit Luce's parents. Keats was one yearyounger than Luce, and he didn't like soap and water, either. The boys sat with their parents for a little while, but then they wentoutside. When they were playing outside, Luce looked at Keats' handsand said, "My hands are dirtier than yours!"

"Of course they are," Keats answered angrily. "You're one yearolder than I am."

[ ]1. Luce didn't like soap and water, but when he was asked to

wash his hands, he washed them carefully.

[ ]2. Luce's uncle and aunt lived not far away from him.

[ ]3. Luce was younger than Keats, so his hands were dirtier thanKeats'.

[ ]4. Keats got angry because his hands were not as dirty asLuce's.
