

发布时间:2024-01-11 05:54:16 思而思学网

Section A

Directions : In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end ofeach conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will bea pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B), C.and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

1.A.He will give the woman some tips on the game.

B.The woman has good reason to quit the game.

C.He is willing to play chess with the woman.

D.The woman should go on playing chess.

2.A.The man can forward the mail to Mary.

B.She can call Mary to take care of the mail.

C.Mary probably knows Sally's new address.

D.She would like to resume contact with Sally.

3.A.His handwriting has a unique style.

B.His notes are not easy to read.

C.He did not attend today's class.

D.He is very pleased to be able to help.

4.A.The man had better choose another restaurant.

B.The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.

C.The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.

D.The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.

5.A.He has been looking forward to spring.

B.He has been waiting for the winter sale.

C.He will clean the woman's boots for spring.

D.He will help the woman put things away.

6.A.The woman is rather forgetful.

B.The man apPciates the woman's help.

C.The man often lends books to the woman.

D.The woman often works overtime at weekends.

7.A.Go to work on foot.

B.Take a sightseeing trip.

C.Start work earlier than usual.

D.Take a walk when the weather is nice.

8.A.The plane is going to land at another airport.

B.All flights have been delayed due to bad weather.

C.Temporary closing has disturbed the airport's operation.

D.The airport's management is in real need of improvement.

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9.A.It specializes in safety from leaks.

B.It is headquartered in London.

C.It has a partnership with LCP.

D.It has a chemical processing plant.

10.A.He is Mr.Grand's friend.

B.He is a safety inspector.

C.He is a salesman.

D.He is a chemist.

11.A.Director of the safety department.

B.Mr.Grand's personal assistant.

C.Head of the personnel department.

D.The public relations officer.

12.A.Walt for Mr.Grand to call back.

B.Leave a message for Mr.Grand.

C.Provide details of their products and services.

D.Send a comPhensive description of their work.

Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

13.A.She learned playing the violin from a famous French musician.

B.She dreamed of working and living in a European country.

C.She read a lot about European musicians and their music.

D.She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.

14.A.She began taking violin lessons as a small child.

B.She was a pupil of a famous European violinist.

C.She gave her first performance with her father.

D.She became a professional violinist at fifteen.

15.A.It gave her a chance to explore the city.

B.It was the chance of a lifetime.

C.It was a great challenge to her.

D.It helped her learn classical French music.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hearsome questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A., B),C.and D ).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.

Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16.A.There are mysterious stories behind his works.

B.There are many misunderstandings about him.

C.His works have no match worldwide.

D.His personal history is little known.

17.A.He moved to Stratford-on-Avon in his childhood.

B.He failed to go beyond grammar school.

C.He was a member of the town council.

D.He once worked in a well-known acting company.

18.A.Writers of his time had no means to protect their works.

B.Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.

C.His works were adapted beyond recognition.

D.People of his time had little interest in him.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.



C.Air crash.

D.Road accidents.

20.A.Learn the local customs.

B.Make hotel reservations.

C.Book tickets well in advance.

D.Have the right documents.

21.A.Contact your agent.

B.Get a lift if possible.

C.Use official transport.

D.Have a friend meet you.

Passage Three

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22.A.Cut down production cost.

B.Sell inexpensive products.

C.Specialise in gold ornaments.

D.Refine the taste of his goods.

23.A.At a national Pss conference.

B.During a live television interview.

C.During a local sales promotion campaign.

D.At a meeting of top British businesspeople.





25.A.The words of some businesspeople are just rubbish.

B.He who never learns from the past is bound to fail.

C.There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.

D.He is not laughed at, that laughs at himself first.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the firsttime, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for thesecond time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what youhave written.

Looking at the basic biological systems, the world is not doing very well.Yet economic indicators show the world is (26) Despite a slow start at the beginning of the eighties, global economic output increased by more than a fifth during the (27) The economy grew, trade increased, and millions of new jobs were created.How can biological indicators show the 28 of economic indicators?

The answer is that the economic indicators have a basic fault: they show no difference between resource uses that( 29) progress and those uses that will hurt it.The main measure of economic progress is the gross national product (GNP). (30) , this totals the value of all goods and services produced and subtracts loss in value of factories and equipment.Developed a half-century ago, GNP helped (31) a common way among countries of measuring change in economic output.For some time, this seemed to work (32 )well, but serious weaknesses are now appearing.As indicated earlier, GNP includes loss in value of factories and equipment, but it does not( 33 )the loss of natural resources, including nonrenewable resources such as oil or renewable resources such as forests.

This basic fault can produce a( 34 )sense of national economic health.According to GNP, for example, countries that overcut forests actually do better than those that Pserve their forests.The trees cut down are counted as income but no subtraction is made for (35 )the forests.


1.D)。选项中多次出现game和play chess,可以推测对话内容与下象棋有关。另外,从四个选项的内容审可以椎测,对话讲的府该县女士想放弃下象棋,男士给出建议或指导。

本题的关键在于听懂反问句和反问的语调。女士说因为今天又输了,所以打算放弃下象棋。男士没有正面回应,而是反问了两句:Just because you lost?Is that any reaSon to quit?”仅仅是因为输了吗?那能算是放弃的理由吗?”言外之意就是不该放弃。换句话说就是,男士建议女士继续下棋。故本题答案为D)。

2.C)。选项中出现了mail,address和contact等词,可以推测对话内容和邮件有关:由选项中的玛丽和萨利两个人名可知对话的内容涉及另外两个人,人物较多,听录音时应注意区分人物之间的关系,做好标记;另外,选项A)以the mail作主语,选项B)和D)以she作主语,可以推测该题会从女士的角度提问,女士的话为听音重点。

本题的关键在于听到细节“Mary should know it.”男士想把萨利的邮件转寄给她,问女士是否知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟萨利联系了,但是结尾补充了一句:“玛丽应该知道地址。”故本题答案为C)。


解题的关键是听懂反意疑问句。女士想要借男士的笔记看,男士没有正面回答,而是反问道:You've never seen my handwriting,have you?“你没看过我的笔迹,对吗?”言外之意就是自己的笔迹难以辨认,不易读懂。故本题答案为B)。

4.A)。四个选项中反复出现了choose和restaurant等词,由此推测对话内容与选择饭店有关。另外,选项A)和D)均是讲男士选择饭店,而选项B)和C)则出现了dating和her,故可推测该题可能是从女士的角度看待男士所选择的饭店,女士的话为听音重点。男士说今晚要带女朋友去新开的饭店过生日。女士说她上周去过,太让她失望了。从rather disaDpointing可以听出女士话语中强烈的否定意味,言外之意就是建议男士不要去这家饭店了,应该另选一家。故本题答案为A)。



6.B).四个选项中,A)和D)以the woman为主语,B)和C)以the man为主语,选项在内容上较分散,可以推测该题并非针对男士或女士个人的话提问,而是考查对整个对话的理解,听音时应注意从全局把握对话内容。


7.A)。选项中涉及work,on foot,trip和walk等词,可推测对话和步行上班或旅行相关。四个选项均为动词短语,由此可推断该题会对建议或计划进行提问,应特别注意和建议或计划相关的表述。






12.C)。对话中,女士说let me suggest Something,由此可知,其后就是女士对男士的建议,即为该题的答案。对话中,女士建议男士将其公司产品和服务的详情以及其他公司的推荐信一并寄送过来,之后会和男士联系,故C)为答案。










22.B)。短文提到,拉特纳在1984年接管了父亲的珠宝连锁店后,决定以最低的价格卖出低档产品,选项B)中sell inexpensive products是原文sell downmarket products的同义转述,故B)为答案。







29.sustain。此处应该填入动词原形作从句谓语,上文的先行词reSource uses充当其主语。sustain意为“保持,维持”。

30.In simple terms。此处应该填入副词或介词短语作状语。in simple terms意为“简言之”。



33.take into account。此处应该填入动词原形或动词短语。take into account意为“考虑,重视”。


35.using up。此处应该填人动名词或动名词短语来作介词for的宾语,并和forests进行搭配。usingup意为“耗尽,用光”。
