



后宫 基本解释

后宫[hòu gōng]

词典imperial harem or seraglio:后宫。

词典the concubines of a monarch


后宫 汉英大词典

后宫[hòu gōng]

(妃嫔住的宫室) imperial harem or seraglio

后宫 网络解释

1. seraglio:seraglio 妻妾所居之处 | seraglio 后宫 | seragonseragoninserogan 血清促性腺激素

2. Ushiroku:Ushiro 后. | Ushiroku 后宫. | Ushiyama 牛山.

3. Le Harem:7: 埃及人Egyptienne 03:20 | 8: 后宫Le Harem 09:11 | 9: 埃及的女儿Aux filles dEgypte 03:21

后宫 双语例句

1. 封建时代,后宫的妃子都以得到皇上的宠幸为荣耀。

In feodal age, all the wives who living in the palace were proud of being cherished by emperor.

2. 我的一个朋友对我讲述,他们所属华社日益扩大,利欲熏心下,有一些人自然就滋生贪念,为了权利、名义、利益,等等,想方设法排除异己,这个时候就出现了所谓垂帘听政的慈禧太后、糊涂皇帝、和绅等人,社团就成这些人争夺的帮派了,与会员没有建立很好的沟通机制,社团里的官场争斗如古代宫廷里的后宫,也斗也激烈,使会员内部不团结,勾心斗角,弄的其它成员左右为难,形成小圈子,内部的纷争,做不到抱成社团用一个声音说话,我们要避免这种恶性竞争,力戒同美相妒,朋友成冤家。

One of my friends told me about, they have expanded their Chinese community, blinded by greed, some people naturally breeds greed, to the right name, interests, etc., do everything possible to exclude dissidents, this time there have been the so-called Chuichentingzheng EmPss Dowager Cixi, confused emperor, and Clifford Chance and others, the associations for these people into gangs, and members did not establish good communication mechanisms, associations, such as bureaucratic struggle in the ancient palace The temple, also fierce fighting, not members of the internal unity, Gouxindougu it and the other members of the dilemma, a small group of internal disputes, failed to hold a community speak with one voice, we must avoid this vicious competition and guard against with the United States of Envy, and friends into accuser.

3. 现有威海唯一的佛教寺院千年名刹――法华院;世界独有的观音动感音乐喷泉广场――极乐菩萨界;世界最大的锻铜神像、中国第一海神像――赤山明神;经典再现中国北方渔业民俗文化和胶东历史变迁事象的民俗博物馆――荣成民俗馆;记述韩国民族英雄、海上贸易家张保皋生平壮举的张保皋传记馆;展现博大精深的佛教文化与日本高僧圆仁入唐求法经历的赤山禅院;山东省最大的自然奇石类展览馆――世廉雅石馆、玉雕馆等十大景观区,并与北方建立最早的妈祖庙――天后宫;罕见的自然奇观――仰天大佛。

Weihai available only temple of the Buddhist temples Millennium - France and China Institute; world Guanyin unique dynamic musical fountain square - Paradise Buddha sector; the world's largest statue锻铜, China's first sea statues - Chishan Myojin; classic reproduction of fisheries in northern China Jiaodong folk culture and the history of things like changes in the Folk Museum - Folk Museum Rongcheng; account of the Korean national hero, maritime trade the life of Zhang Bao Gao Paul Gao Chang feat Museum biography; show profound Buddhist culture and the Japanese yen monk Hui Tang method to Chishan experienced Temple; Shandong Province, the largest category of natural stone exhibition hall - Ya Shi Shi-lian Museum, Jade Museum, such as the top ten landscape areas, and the establishment of the earliest temples north - Tin Hau Temple; rare natural wonders -仰天Buddha.

4. 封建时代,后宫的妃子都以得到皇上的宠幸为荣耀。

In feudal times, imperial concubine in the palace are all glory of gaining favour of emperor.

5. 封建时代,后宫的妃子都以得到皇上的宠幸为荣耀。

In the feudal era, all the imperial concubine taked the emperor's favor as a great glory.

6. 封建时代,后宫的妃子都以得到皇上的宠幸为荣耀。

In feudal, it was considered as honor when a imperial concubine was spoiled by the emperor.

7. 罗斯曾说,如果你的后宫有一百个女人,你一定无法非常了解其中的任何一个。

Billy Rose used to say that if you have a harem of a hundred girls, you never get to know any of them very well.

8. 他妻子曾经发动过一次后宫之变,打断了他的统治。

His reign was cut short by an attempt on his life in the course of a harem conspiracy.

9. 你,你不过是汉室后宫中平凡的一女子,你能做什么呀。

You, but remember one's own palace in the ordinary one woman, What is it you can do.

10. 上天后宫的小石阶下面有两只表情很可爱的石狮。

The cute lion (there were 2 but you only see 1 here) guarding the stairways up to the temple.

11. 庄园有城楼瞻胜、关圣喜客、凤亭双秀、后宫听涛、半岛小筑、庄园叠翠、凤竹钓影、园林瑞珠、龙山观阁、碧水泛舟、爱乡归航、珠桥垂柳、泳台赏果、榜榜回响、盘龙聚宝、清潭印月、荷塘清趣、孔桥飘布等十八处景观。

Bringing the manor have Chenglou wins, Guan Sheng-passenger, double-Xiu Feng-ting, concubines Tingtao, Peninsula Villas, Pinnacle House, Fengzhu catch a shadow, Lin Ruizhu Park, Yongsan of Court, clear water rafting, love to the rural route, the bridge - Weeping willow, beach tours Taiwan fruit, Bang Bang repercussions, Panlong JuBao five, Cheongdam India, the Hawthorn-Fun, cloth and other floating bridge-18 landscape.

12. 封建时代,后宫的妃子都以得到皇上的宠幸为荣耀。

In feudal time, the seraglio imperial concubine will feel honor when padshah make a pet of her.

13. 同时,船户公约碑文、清代铸钟、华丽壁画和泥塑浮雕也都在那儿让人品赏。的确,天后宫不仅是渔民的守护神,更象徵著高雄历史上重要的文化遗产。

Actually, Tienhou Temple is not only the guardian temple to fishermen, but also an important symbol of cultural heritage in Kaohsiung`s history.

14. 我看啊,后宫是个管吃管住的大房子。

Mos'likely dey has rackety times in de nussery.

15. 封建时代,后宫的妃子都以得到皇上的宠幸为荣耀。

In feudal times, it's honor of obtaining emperor's cosset for concubines.

16. 在我们的后宫中,我们可以找到关爱,可以学习如何负起责任,如何陶冶人格。

In our families, we find love and learn responsibility and character.

17. 然而外廷一向女人止步,况且不久前的初春她才刚拒绝国王的追求并离开后宫,这次倘若又跟经常在宫内??的国王撞个正着,情况一定尴尬极了;因此秀丽不得已女扮男装,偷偷摸摸入宫。

However, the woman always outside ting and the spring she just refused to leave the pursuit and the harem, often in the palace with if again gently into pieces, king of red-handed condition must be very embarrassing, So beautiful as men to enter the palace, secretly.

18. 这也就是在中国沿海普遍见到的天后宫。

This is China's coastal areas in general to see Tien Hou Temple.

19. 最著名的庙宇建筑有:显功庙、孔庙、清真寺、三清观、贞女祠、城隍庙、北海神庙、龙神庙、天后宫、二郎庙等。

The most famous temple architecture are: Hin Gong Temple, Confucius Temple, mosques, three clear concept, Virgin Temple, City God Temple, the North Sea Temple, Lung Temple, Tin Hau Temple, erlangmiao so.

20. 城门左为宗庙,右为社稷,在主轴线上建有承运门、承运殿、后宫、御园,围绕主体建筑,还建有楼堂厅馆,亭阁轩室,构成一组规模宏大、金碧辉煌的建筑群。

Gates left and right for justice for the temple, in line with gate, carriage house, restaurant, and around the main temple architecture, was built in the hall of more, pavilions, constitute a grand scale, resplendent and magnificent buildings.
