


A: with the rings of time, today we have our annual Christmas.

B: the Christmas bell is about to ring, and the wheel of time has left a deep imPssion.

A: with the warm sunshine in the winter, and full of joy,

Join us today to celebrate this beautiful festival -- Christmas. First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS

B: every little friend is a lovely spirit. They all have their own style. I hope you can leave your smile and warm applause to our lovely children! Thank you!

A: today, we are gathered here together to feel the truth and melt the ice with love

B: today, we meet here, open your heart and release your passion.

A: today, we are gathered here, and it will be A sea of joy, and joy will be heard.

B: today, we send our blessings to you, and wish you all the best in the New Year.

A: now I declare that the xx Christmas party of the bridge foreign language new city campus will begin now. (applause.)

B: Christmas comes up, we will involuntarily recalled outside the endless silver world, galloping horses, sweet horse bells sound, underneath a small problem, I'm going to ask everyone who know the origin of the Christmas? Then the teacher will tell you a story about Christmas...

A: listen to the teacher's introduction, believe that children are more clearly understand and experience about Christmas, teachers hope that the children can remember this story, tell mom and dad got home, ok?

B: since it's Christmas, I believe every baby has a small wish. Next, it is the time that the babies exPss their wishes. The teacher will give each baby a piece of paper. Now everyone writes down their own wishes, maybe Santa Claus will help us realize it.

A: the wish has been made, so should we help the children to realize their wishes?

B: of course, the Psent comes out quickly.

A: dear children, do you like our Christmas Psents?

B: the teacher wants each of you to make a reasonable use of your pocket money, add up, and then buy things that help you learn. The party has been going on for half the time, we're not supposed to be active.

A: we've been thinking of going together, so here's our happy playtime. Are the kids ready?

A: how are the babies going to have fun? The teachers are happy, too. The teacher wants to be happy every day after you.

B: I think the babies are tired. Where's the delicious cake?

This Is The Time.

A: although we can't stop the passage of time, we can dominate our own mood.

B: in this season full of joy, of greeting transformed into A poem, A song, melody, open A warm heart A: wish our blessings like blossoming flowers open in warm season with blossom festival joy for you

A: today's party is more of A dynamic, future-oriented collective

B: here, there are diligent gardeners who have worked diligently and have a diligent and diligent student

A: here, the fragrance of ink, beating the pulse of youth

B: here, there is our passion for life and our longing for the future

A: because, we always believe: tomorrow will be better

B: this is the end of the Christmas party. I wish you a happy New Year, all the best and the best of everything





合:今天让我们一起来欢庆这美丽的节日??圣诞。.首先祝大家MERRY CHRISTMAS圣诞节快乐



B:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情 。




B: 一提起圣诞,我们便会不由自主地联想起郊外一望无际的银色世界,飞奔的马车,悦耳的马铃儿声,下面我要问大家一个小问题,有谁知道圣诞节的由来吗?那下面老师就给大家讲一个关于圣诞节的故事……










结束语(This Is The Time)

A:虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情 ,

B:在这充满喜悦的佳节里,祝福串成一首诗、组成一曲旋律、开启一片温馨的心灵 A:愿我们的祝福如朵朵小花开放在温馨的季节里为你点缀欢乐四溢的佳节







