


【你好晨读】there are two reasons why i wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.——我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你.

every thing eventually is a good thing, if not, explain hasn't arrived last ----- 每件事最后都会是好事。如果不是好事,说明还没到最后。

【有时候…】sometimes it's difficult to exPss in words what the heart already knows.—— 有时候,尽管心里已经明白,但很难用言语来表达。

the more you try, the more mistakes you make. but it's good! because you can learn more from them. don't be afraid to try! ——尝试越多,犯错就越多,但不要担心,因为你可以学到更多,永远不要害怕尝试。

【你好晨读】 best case scenario: i love myself ; i enjoy living ; i smile because i’m happy not because i have to. ◆ 最好的情景:爱自己;享受生活;发自内心的微笑。

【中外节日大全】月日元旦(new year's day);月日世界湿地日(world wetlands day); 月日国际妇女节(international women' day);月日愚人节(april fools' day); 月日中国青节(chinese youth day);月日 国际儿童节(international children's day) ..

【生活还该有这些】just living is not enough. one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.—— 生活,就该有些阳光,有点自由,还有一些花朵.

love is what makes you become afraid whether s/he’s near or far. because you fear of losing him/her everytime——爱情就是,不管离他/她有多远或者有多近,你都会为他担心,因为你分分秒秒都会担心失去他/她。

【希望就是幸福】hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords.—— 希望本身就是一种幸福,也许还是这个世界提供给我们的最大幸福。

【恋爱语】love is my sickness and you are my drug, i’ m addicted to —— 爱是一种病,我赶上了。你是我的药,我上瘾了。

【恋爱语】fall in love when you are ready, not when you are lonely. —— 若是内心已经准备好,那就恋爱吧。切记不要因寂寞而恋爱。

【上下班路程vs收入】the further you commute the more you are likely to earn, new figures from the office for national statistics reveal. 英国国家统计局的新数据显示,你上下班路程越远,就可能挣得越多。你的上下班路程和你的收入成正比了吗?

what's the place forward? why not go with her?it's over, the flowers disappear, and the dream awakes, what may be ahead? if i had picked one, had she been wearing it? 前路是什么地方,为何不随她走去?都过去了,花也隐了,梦也醒了,前路如何?便摘也何曾戴?——冰心

smiling doesn't necessarily means you're happy. sometimes, it just means that you're strong enough to face problems——微笑并不一定表示你是快乐的,有时候,它只意味着你足够坚强去面对困难。

to see the world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower; hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. 从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂;把永恒纳进一个时辰,把无限握在自己手心。

【生活让我们懂得】 最宝贵的不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。 一时的错误可能导致一辈子的伤痛。 控制自己的态度和情绪,不然你就会被它们控制。 让别人原谅你是不够的,还要自己原谅自己。 不能强迫别人来爱自己,只能努力让自己成为值得爱的人,其余的事情则靠缘分。
